Friday, June 22, 2007

South Pacific Travel

I am in Port Moresby, blogging from the other side of the world. It really is nice here with the exception of the high humidity. They have an attitude similar to the islands in the Caribbean. Laid Back. Anyway, I have been here for a few days and realized it is time to update the loyal readers I have. Both of you. Ha Ha. I need to get better at this. In my defense, I have been extremely busy the last few weeks. Casa de Tronster has moved from Alexandria VA to Manassas Park VA. I am now the proud owner of a new condo. Really spiffy I think. However, I didn't move any of that old crappy furniture I had, so I have no furniture. Then I got an assignment to put me traveling for a couple of weeks and figured that I didn't need any Internet. Wrong. Anyway, check back in couple of days for a story about my luggage.

1 comment:

Kirby said...

Oh I can not wait to hear about the luggage!

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 I have moved my Blog If you have landed on this page, you may have noticed that my blog has been relocated to a new host. While there are l...