Monday, April 22, 2013


The challenge moves forward.  I had plan for another location.  However, I cannot find my pictures from the place, so you will have to wait.  I thought I would share something that has thwarted at least one road trip for Sunshine and I.  Snow!!

Living in Northern Virginia, we do not get much snow.  We get a dusting here and there, but this was more than we were accustom to receiving.  This storm was predicted.  We were not surprised.  With the exception of the actual snow fall amount, we knew it was coming.

There were no snow plows on the way to clear the roads.  It was going to take a while to get out of this one.

Believe it or not, there is a driveway under all that snow.  It was very pretty until all the ATVs got out.  This was on a weekday and the federal government was closed.  Along with 90% of the rest of the area.  So Sunshine and I took a walk down the street and just enjoyed the view.  Not o mention a got a good workout clearing most of the driveway.

Many of you may be located in areas where snow is a common event.  It really is fun in the DC area.  Too see what schools cancel and how bad our weather guessers (I think they call themselves meteorologists everywhere else).

The first time it snowed while I lived in this location, the only tool I had to clear the driveway was a couple of dust pans.  I would have left it alone, but we were out of town when the snow came, and I had to clear the driveway so we could park in the garage.

Have a great day and keep blogging.

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