Saturday, April 20, 2013


One of our trips took us to Italy.  Being that close to Rome, we had to make a stop there.  What a city.  The historic markers and buildings are everywhere.  Any construction project has to have someone there looking for history.  They were working on the subway when I was there a few years ago and it was slow process, because they keep finding artifacts.

They path Sunshine and I took to get to Rome was from a Cruise.  We loaded the ship in Barcelona, and Rome was our third stop.  You do not actually dock in Rome, but Civitavecchia Italy.  It is about an hour bus ride from Rome.  If you decide you want to take a tour of Rome from a cruise.  You will have a choice to make.  You an either take a tour of the city, or of the Vatican.  I would suggest take the tour of Rome.  You will see much much more.  What I learned from the cruise was that every cruise line pulls into the area on the same day, and a trip through the Vatican is very crowded.  I must admit, if you think you will never be that close to the Vatican again, take the tour.  Just realize, you will not be alone.

I have visited Rome a few times.  Each time I have seen something different.  The squares and the parks are great.  For those of you who live in Rome and southern Europe, it might be easier than those of us who live on this side of the pond.

I believe Sunshine would like to visit again to see some of the other sites.  I cannot blame her, it is a great city with so much to see.

Okay bloggers from the A to Z Challenge,  We have just over a week left, keep up the good work.

1 comment:

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I hope to see Rome someday. I wouldn't know where to start so I could see 'everything.' I guess we would need lots of days.
Nice to meet you from A to Z.

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