Monday, April 09, 2012

High time for spring

Well springtime is upon us, and I for one am ready. Although this winter was mild, I like spring in Northern Virginia. The mornings and evenings are cool and the days are nice. We have not had as much rain as we normally do, and I am okay with that also. The allergies are acting up, for my wife, and a little rain would help her. However it makes my grass, more like my collection of weeds, grow to fast for me to handle.

I am home now grilling in the yard. Cooking enough meat for the week, and then I will relax, eat, and catch up on some of the blogs I like to read.

I want to say thanks to all who post, I am really enjoying this challenge. It has made it clear that I have a long way to go to become a good blogger. None the less, I am having fun with A to Z challenge. I believe over the rest of the challenge I will present a few if the countries I have visited.

Well, let me get back to the grill, one of my favorite spring time activities, you all have a great night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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