Tuesday, November 14, 2006

No new news

Been a busy couple of weeks. Thanks to all the frequent readers for continuing to come by and read my little slice of cyberspace. On occasion time gets away from us, and I haven't posted in a while.

It would appear us conservatives just took a beating in the political arena, but its ok. The news is already out. Just threatening to have democrats in control of congress, and ABC is reporting we are on the brink of a recession. Any correlation? I don't know, but seems fishy.

Thanks to all who post comments. Frank, I will hook you up in the near future with a link on this world renowned weblog. I like your page, may use some of its information personally.

My next trip will be to South Carolina to visit Parents of Tronster. We commonly refer to that house as the "ZOO". There are seven people currently residing in the building. Happy Happy Joy Joy

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