Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Another Week

I have been slacking on the post, due to a couple of factors. We won't discuss those boring activities here, but I have had a fun week. Last week, Kirby went on a business trip, so I was Smokie sitting, sort of. Kirby lives about 45 minutes away, on the other side of the beltway, and I agreed to check on his cat while he was gone. Well Smokie is a great cat and requires much attention with every visit I make. While checking on him, and Kirby was gone, he was un-satisfiable. He followed me like a puppy, and when I sat down, he dove into my hands for a good ear scratch. He would flop over in front of me as a walked by to check his water and food. It was like have a purring dog.
Kirby returned home safe on Saturday and we went and checked out Casino Royale, I like the new bond, and I think he will do well.
On a sports note. GO Jags, and the Cowboys might even fall into the Playoffs. Florida will most likely miss the BCS championship bowl, but we can hope. They play FSU this weekend and should wrap up the SEC after that.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

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