Monday, May 30, 2005


Wew what a weekend of fun and exciting teles from Africa. OK Maybe not so exciting. I was able to attend a one man Bible study yesterday for sunday service in my hotel room. I listen to one of Herbs lessons. I was surely bless agian. I am also reading through a study in Galatians. I should have that finished before returning to the states. I am sure glad I grought my computer on this trip. Iw as able to use it like a DVD player yesterday, and the screen is bigger than the one I have in my room. Ha Ha. The temperatur isn't so bad here, it is kinda like July in Jacksonville. Hot and Humid. I didn't bring any play cloths on this business trip, A mistake that I will not make agian. I have some free time that I have to stay in my work clothes. Anyway, That is about all from this end, thank you all for your prayers, I will post some pictures from the trip when I return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing well! I'm sure you are enjoying your travels! Can't wait to see pictures. The boys say hi!

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