Friday, May 10, 2013

Planning for Summer 2013

Welcome back to

The A to Z Challenge is over for 2013.  I had such a great time and enjoyed reading several of the blogs I had not seen before. 

I have been on break for a couple weeks.  We had an extremely busy work week and I was just plain tired afterwards and did not have the opportunity to update the blog.

The challenge concentrated a lot on the adventures of Tronster, and I have decided to stick to that philosophy.  If we get into my thoughts, that could be a long dark trip and professional help maybe required to recover. In that case, I will continue to talk about some of my adventures.

Sunshine and I are planning our summer vacations at this time.  We have so far identified Dollywood, Lake something or another in Canada and the Baseball hall of fame.  I also think one weekend we are going to go Monticello.  Other road trips will include visiting friends and family in South Carolina, Tennessee and Ohio.

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