Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The Republic of Zambia is a land locked nation in southern Africa.  The capital city  is Lusaka.  I know what your thinking, I can't believe I am learning something new during the A to Z challenge of 2013.  Regardless, my travels to Lusaka included a trip to a near by lodge to have a day at the Safari.

It is about an hours drive outside of the city of Lusaka.  My host was kind enough to drive, considering I do not know my way around the country side.  The cost includes a full day of activities, food and drinks.  I do not drink alcoholic beverages myself.  Its a lifestyle choice I made when I was very young.  My host and friends however, do enjoy and occasional cocktail.  While sitting on the porch of the lodge we place our order.  I receive the same drink as everyone else.  A rum and diet Pepsi.  It was very weak so I had no problem with the drink.  I guess that is what you get with open bar.

This particular lodge kept the dangerous animals in fenced 2 or 3 acre areas.  It was a wildlife preserve.  The lion you see here was waiting for the rest of the pride to bring him lunch as we walked up to the fence.  One of the workers had just thrown a piece of an antelope over the fence.  you not only hear the growls, you can fell them in your bones.

It was an amazing trip.  I was able to go horseback riding through the park and on a jeep safari.  The staff was extremely friendly and hospitable.  We took advantage of the one day option, however, there are cabins to rent and places to sleep.  I think this area is a little less expensive than the big safaris in South Africa.

Other fun facts about the country, the population is about 80% literate.  With all my travels in Africa, this is a high number.  Education is free until the 7th grade.

Well, this is the end of another A to Z Challenge.  I want to thank everyone who stopped by and left comments.  The frequency of the posts will decline, however, Sunshine and I love to explore, so I will continue to make suggestions and other comments.  I have found several new pages for myself to follow.

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