Thursday, April 04, 2013

"D" is for Disney

This A to Z challenge is going well.  I hope everyone is in enjoying the challenge as much as I am.

For those of you with children, and those of you who are kids at heart, a trip to Disney World might be in your future.  I little advice about central Florida in the summer.  It is hot.  Just a word.  Sunshine and I do not have kids, But we are kids at heart.  Last summer we took a little trip to Orlando.  In July.  It was hot.

Fighting the weather, and enjoying out time together with family and friends.  We went on all the cool rides.  Using the new ticket system they have in place.  You get get a ticket early and return during a designated time to enjoy the rides.  We purchased the 4-Day, 4 Park tickets.  So there were other stops on the Disney campus.  I also enjoy Magic Kingdom.
The Parade at the end of the day is always great.  And there is a fourth of July theme, which is great.  If you are every in Orlando, check out the Disney complex, and enjoy some time.

On a side note, there was an individual who sued Disney because he was stuck on the "Its a small world after all"  Just saying, I kinda like the ride.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

triles said...

Haven't been to Disney World, but we've been to Disney Land with the kids a couple times. Could not have enjoyed myself more, and look forward to our next visit.

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