Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

I do not know how many of you travel over the busy travel weekend in America, but I do.  I never return home the Sunday after thanksgiving.  Why?  The traffic on I-95. Need a describe more?  When the average speed on an Interstate is 20 MPH for over 300 miles, there is no need for my fuzzy butt to be there and add the the frustration.

This weekend I traveled close to 1300 miles this weekend.  We went to my parent's house, my gradson's house, Dollywood, and back home.  We ate, we had fellowship and we played with the grandson.  I am so thankful for my family and my friends.

Have a great night, and let the Christmas season begin. My wife and I will be transforming our home into a Christmast wonderland over the next couple of days.  Exciting times are ahead.

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