Saturday, April 14, 2012


Although I have traveled to many distant location, I have never been to Monterey.  However, when I was a younger man I was in the US Navy.  I spent my first six adult years in the Navy.  I served on only one ship, the USS Monterey.  The Monterey was a great ship, with great people and I miss some of my shipmates.

We had adventures that included Turkey, the Persian Gulf, Counter Drug operations, Haitian Vacation and Italy.  I have since lost touch with many of my shipmates, and if any are reading, drop me a note.  I'd love to see how some of you guys are doing.  We all had nicknames, mine was Tronster.  I worked with "Trigger", "K-Bone", and "Flip".  There were more, but it is the Navy and I run a family friendly blog.

We are proceeding through this great challenge of letters and I appreciate all the support from the fellow bloggers.  Keep up the good work.

1 comment:

Shannon Lawrence said...

My uncle served in the Navy during Vietnam. I hope you get in touch with some of your old shipmates.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

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