Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year

Its been a while. An Entire month as a matter of fact. I am still kicking although not traveling at the moment. So not much to share. AS I try to avoid politics on the forum, I do so enjoy watching the primaries. Listening to the pundits and concerns during the election season. Does anyone think a Republican can when outright? Or will there be challenges to state races? We shall see.

On a funny note. I can be a bonehead every once in a while. Just ask my parents, I am sure they will share with you some of my all-time best bonehead moments. Well, I had one this weekend. While attempting to clean my mammoth condo for one, I decided it was time to introduce my carpet to the old time reliable vacuum. I had been using a rechargeable shark vacuum, a great little tool for little jobs. So I have had this hoover for about 5 years now. I used it frequently in my old place in florida. Which I moved out of 18 months ago. So I fired it up and vacuumed the floor. Put the thing away and made my self a glass of diet coke. Sat on the couch and started thinking. "I bet that bag is pretty full, and I haven't emptied it in years" I better go ahead and take care of that while I am thinking about it. I go to open the vacuum to pull out the bag, low and behold no bag. But all the dust I just vacuumed landed square on the carpet. So after putting a bag in it, I had to re-vacuum that section of the rug. I wish I would have thought about the bag before I cleaned up.

Keep in touch, tell me about your bonehead moments.

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