Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday, Lazy Sunday

Well, it has been a couple of days and I thought I would jot a few things down to let everyone know that I am still kicking.

First, yesterday I spent the day with a friend at the jefferson memorial. A great place in DC to visit. It was a little chilly, but all in all we had a good time. We walked around the tidal basin, and my friend allowed me to take several pictures of the local wildlife. Gulls and ducks and geese. Lots of fun for me. Most of my shots were of the gulls. I filled up the remainder of a 2 gig compact flash card. Around 300 pictures. Shortly after putting my camera away, because I forgot to bring another card, I spotted an eagle looking for dinner. As it swooped down to the basin and grabbed a fish, I thought to myself, that would have been a great shot. I will, from now on, have lots of memory with me.

I was able to catch two movies this weekend. First, Wild Hogs. This is a funny movie with lots of slap stick comedy. If you are looking for a few laughs and not a very deep plot, you might enjoy this movie. Seeing John Travolta and William Macy play in this type of comedy was fun. I give it 3.5 stars out of 5.

Next, this afternoon Kirby and I went and saw Amazing Grace. This movie has a more serious tone and shows some history into the struggle for abolishing the slave trade in England. It is the story of William Wilberforce. One of the great christians of history and his battle to outlaw slave trading in the English empire of old. This movie was very well done and showed how a man with a higher calling can serve. I recommend this movie to anyone who has every wondered how and why the song was written.

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