Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Eleven Days No word

Well it has been over a week since I have posted anything. I've been in kind of a funk lately. Not that I haven't been busy, just not very thoughtful. What has happen in the last few days? Well, I went to the power boat show in Annapolis MD. Homecoming weekend for the Midshipmen. Well they got beat, pretty bad as a matter of fact 34 to 0. It was homecoming as well. he show was fun, but the traffic was terrible. It doesn't help that every city between here and there was under construction.

I acquired a couple new printers, haven't hooked them up yet, but got a good deal on both of them, so eventually I need to check them out.

I also went and saw the movie "Man of the Year" Not what I expected, but still funny.

Thats it for now, talk to ya later.

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