Friday, September 15, 2006

Hola Amigos


I am in Spain. Not much time so far for site seeing. But we plan on rectifying that tomorrow. It has been a busy couple of days. Madrid last week and Barcelona now. Tons of fun I tell you. The Spanish are great people.

I want to send a shout out to the LAW. Her daughter is getting married and she is nervous about the trip. She made her flight reservations some time ago and now has to fly through London. With recent events, that pretty much stinks. But I am sure she will be fine. Congrads LAW.

Real Madrid will be in a big Soccer match next week, all he fans are ready, Barcelona is the defending champion league winners (I think) and they may be playing one another. Once you begin talking soccer, these guys loose their mind. Its like college football in any SEC town.

Speaking of Football, GO GATORS beat Tennessee!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Tronster!
Just checking in and saying hello from Jacksonville on behalf of the old Media Support Services staff. I hope you are still enjoying your far-off destinations. Not much change down here. It's been a great summer though - and it's not over yet in this here town!
Take care.

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