Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back to Dubai

Hey everyone, guess what? I am back in Dubai. Abu Dhabi was nice, the room was better, and the staff at the Beach Rotana were awesome. Especially Rose, Dyne, and Rosemarie. Those ladies could spoil a man. Thanks for the good times.

That hotel had the most exotic cars in one place I have ever seen. One night, there were 3 Bentleys, a Ferrari (maybe 2) and an Aston Martin. Plus more BMWs and Mercedes than you could shake a stick at. Very cool cars.

Back in Dubai, I get to see my friends, CG and IT. I told IT I would marry her for 600000 pesos. I think she thinks I am serious. The news made her blush, so it was funny. I have also met the famous Sunshine that works here. I am so lucky.

Will be heading back to the states soon, check back for more adventures.


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