Saturday, January 21, 2006

To Zagreb and Beyound!!

Well I have left the brotherhood of Budapest and now I am in Zagreb. First priority was to find a place to eat. So I wondered around town and discovered this little pizzeria. There I ordered this whopping piece of lasagna. MMM good. I had two coke lights with it and they cost almost as much as the lasagna. Then I returned to the hotel for the afternoon nap.

The flight over was on a turbo prop. I was able to have an aisle and a window seat at the same time. How did I accomplish this physics defying feat, you might ask? Well it only had one seat on that side of the aisle. Although the Saab turbo prop is a small plane, it was very comfortable, and there was one flight attendant for every 4 passengers, to give you that personal service you have always dreamed of for the flight.

Thats all for now sports fans


Anonymous said...

interesting blog

Anonymous said...

I thought you are getting to be another fat american and your fat butt took up 2 or 3 seats

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