Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Two things, first a shout out to my Buddy, fishermanalan. Thanks for the help on my bro's computer, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I know having a birthday on SEP 11 won't be the same for you anymore, but congrats on another year. My you have many more.

Man am I glad football is here. This past Sunday, I went to Church, (I hope all of you did too), got me some HOT WINGS, and watched a little FOOTBALL. The best part of the game, was my Cowboys winning a tight one. They are tied for the lead in the NFC east. Ok, its only one game, but it was on TV and they won.

As a matter of fact, All my favorite teams won. The Gators racked up 42 points, the Jags won their outing, and did I mention, the Cowboys won. (on the road at that). Last season, I didn't get to watch one game of the Cowboys. By their record you would wonder if they played any games.

Anyway, next week, the boys will face the redskins on Monday night, I will have to watch, but turn in before its over, I have faith that they can pull it off.

See ya later.

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