Thursday, July 21, 2005

New Gadget

As you have seen from my previous post, Tronster has a new ride. The purchase of that ride came with a pretty cool gadget. My friend at Tapehiss has been raving about satellite radio for years. Well I get a one year subscription to Sirius radio. I am so siked. Every football game, no matter how bad the Cowboys play will be on the radio. I have played with it for a few minutes today, and so far, Tronster is happy. He can't wait for a road trip.

On another note, here is something for you all to check out, read this little Gem and tell me if you like the guy or not.

I want to send out a hardy congrats to Gaterhamm. It seems those guys down in Florida at my old job have lost their mind. They have promoted the Big Hamm to a really powerful supervisory position. Now they have a couple of great instigators running the show down there. I am really happy for him and I hope everything goes Gator's way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, your looking foward to a road trip? Throw your fishing tackle in the jeep and come on down. We'll do some night fishing!

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