Sunday, June 19, 2005

Here in VA

I guess you can now say I have officially relocated. I have paid my taxes to the state of VA. I now have (ough) VA Tags on my beautiful truck. I am registering to vote here also. Maybe I can change the tax structure so that I don't have to pay taxes every year I own my vehicle. We shall see.
I have been exploring my new environment every day. Today, is Fathers Day, and I took the time to call me dear ole Dad and thank him for everything he has done for me. Have you done the same? I encourage all of you to call your Dads and tell them how much they mean to you.
On a worship note. I found the church that was recommended to me before I left the great state of Florida. There was a challenge involved with this great discovery. Although the name of the pastor is relatively unique, the recommendation came by the following quote. "My old neighbor is a great pastor in the Alexandria area, I don't know where he is serving, but you should attend there." It turns out that this is a BIG place, and I was having trouble finding the particular church that she was referring to. Then a couple of days ago, I made a wrong turn on my way back to the office from running an errand and I saw his name on the sign. Praise God, there it was. Today I attended service at that church. I enjoyed the message greatly. I plan on attending there for a few more weeks and see where the Lord leads.
I also want to send out a warning to all of you with shop-oholic relatives. Don't visit old town Alexandria, you could go broke. (This warning is mainly for my uncles, to keep my aunts away) Ha ha. Not only is it full of little specialty shops, it is a really pretty place with all those trending eating joints.
I want to send a shout to all my friends that have been praying for me, thank you. To all of you who have not, what's the hold up? I have been praying for you. Anyway, that about all from here. My next trip is back to Africa, so I am staying on meds to keep the evil sicknesses away.
Come back and visit again.

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