Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Moving is such a pain

So far, I like the new Job. I have been to orientation and a few other tasks. I have learned a bit about the job and about the trips that I will be taking. First one will be to western Africa. I am so excited.

Back to moving is a pain. Today, I have been working on getting all my addresses changed. I still have a few more things to work out, But I am sure it will work out. Living in Virginia, there are a few things that I am not used to. There is personal property tax and emission testing for for my vehicle. Although the Super cool truck is new, I am expecting to have to pay a large amount for taxes. Of coarse when I bought the truck, I had to pay taxes on the truck. Awesome. I am so happy to do my part to support our local government.

Another thing that is different is hills. There is no sweet tea. Just unsweet. I like unsweet tea, but sometimes I forget and ask which is unsweet. Hey look at me like I am from Florida or something.

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